Town Of Marshall
Local Groups & Events

Starting line

Ruth Allen Memorial Run and Fun Walk

512-799-6535 - Sarah Reeske

The event is a 4-mile run and walk, and a 1-mile youth run. 

Trophies, T-shirts and finisher's ribbons will be presented at the award ceremony at the Depot, 2707 Route 315 following the compilation of the results.
When is the race?

August 12, 2017     8:00 a.m.
(registration begins at 7:00 a.m. at the Depot, 2707 State Route 315)


Youth run starts at 9:15 a.m., with registration beginning at 8:00 a.m at the Depot, 2707 State Route 315 

Where is the race (route)?

The route for runners follows a 4-mile course beginning on the Marshall Towpath, next to the Depot, continuing west  to Burnham Road to Route 315 to the Towpath and finish line.  

Walkers will continue past Burnham Road on the Towpath and return to the finishing line.

Youth run is one mile on the TowPath (1.2 mile each way).


How do I register for the race?

Visit our website ( for the registration form.  

Registration begins at 7:00 am at the historic Depot at 2707 State Route 315

(Race begins at 8:00am)

What is the cost of the race?
Please refer to the flyer online at
What are the awards / age categories for the race?

Trophies for the first overall male and female runners.

Awards will be presented to the first male and female runners in 8 categories:

      13 and under; 14-18; 19-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+.

T-shirts and finisher’s ribbons will be awarded to all runners and walkers.
Who can I contact if I have questions?

For more information, please contact Sarah Reeske at 512-799-6535 or,

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